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With the press calling Apple’s new Vision Pro VR headset a “$3,500 chastity belt,” once again the tech giant reminds us all of its ‘no porn’ ethos, releasing a gadget surely outpriced for general consumer consumption and no good for what ails us.

The new headset, which will indeed play standard adult videos from websites, does not support the all-too-important viewing of highly immersive, 180-degree, (SBS) VR videos. This experience is what most porn watchers (yes gamers too, as this is the audience Apple has kidded itself into believe is the one they most make a VR headset for) are after, a wholly engaging deep dive into specific and separate visual feeds for each eye, pretty much common (and wanted) when watches all modern commercial VR content.

And what makes watching VR porn so much fun!

The beginning of this month marked the Vision Pro’s second release, with everyone from casual porn viewers with deep pockets, to long-distance couples wishing to couple looking forward to the second roll out of Apple’s tech. Hoping the limitations seen in the first version of the headset would be worked through, and surely that the new version would allow for the deep dive of true porn viewing, the still limited porn viewing capabilities of the second version of Vision Pro has marked a world web criticism.

And, as Apply has seen with too many of its products, these limitations will surely lead consumers to look for more affordable gadgets (another criticism from the initial release of the Vision Pro has been its price) to answer their interface desires.

As has been proven over its history, Apple has had a long-standing pledge to exclude pornographic content, aligning with Steve Jobs well known commitment to keep Apple pretty much anti-porn since the company’s inception.  Depending on which way one falls in this argument, the company has either suffered from or thrived, over this stance.

So, the question remains, because of the above or for some other reason (built-in obsolescence of our digital gadgets being one of them?), will we see a Vision Pro #3? And will the restrictions over true immerse viewing be removed in the next version, be there one?


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