Interview with Harlow Harrison

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What prompted you to join the adult industry?

I have always dreamed of being the next household name when you spoke of the adult industry. I love sex and i love sex with different people, it’s a great way to explore my sexuality safely. I also wanted to be a playboy bunny, The first tattooed bunny on Hugh’s (rest well my love) arm. It’s still a dream to be on the cover! I don’t think that’ll ever change. 

You recently came back to performing after serving in the Navy. What was that experience like and what lead you to join up?

I was close to 25 and wanted to explore another option. I have multiple generations of military before me so it was an easy choice to join. I joined the navy because of their tattoo policies being so laxed, I wouldn’t have to remove any tattoos except the one in my ear. My experience was so amazing and I’m glad I gave myself the opportunity. I was an aviation boatswainmate handler and focused mainly on crash and salvage, I was a first responder to flight deck fires and mishaps. 

What are you hoping to accomplish this go around in the industry?

Well, I’d still love the chance to be on the cover of playboy!! I am also hoping to use my platform to open people to different ideas and opportunities.

Like most performers you also have an OnlyFans. What kind of context do you upload there and how would you say it is different, if at all, from your scenes?

I believe my scenes were rather hardcore and a bit more on the extreme side because that’s what was expected from me. I enjoyed my scenes, don’t get me wrong, but they took a lot out of me. My content on my onlyfans is more like home videos and a bit more relaxed. I get to enjoy sex without the need for recovery days so I actually get to post way more content! 

Who are some of the people you would like to work with but haven't had a chance to yet?

I would die if I could work with Leigh Raven and Aubrey Kate! If I could work with them together, I’d die and go to heaven in a heart beat!! 

What advice would you give someone who is thinking about getting into the adult industry?

My advice is to not listen to noise and to get a good agent! Don’t do things you’re not actually comfortable doing! You have all the opportunity in the world to explore you sexual desires, do it safely and at your own pace. 

If money wasn't an issue, what would be your dream scene or movie to make?

Oh boy, if money wasn’t an issue I’d definitely film with James Deen again and put together another showcase. I have a breeding kink so I’d want to put together a HUGE line of guys, including James, and have them all fuck me to completion and cum inside of me!!! Oh the dream!!!!

Who would you say are your idols or personal heroes, either within the industry or not?

-My personal hero is my Dad! I’m a big daddies girl!!! He is 35+ years strong in the Army and still deploys at 56, he is the strongest, most intelligent, and all around amazing man in the whole world. This is what men have to compete with when trying to win my heart! I am so lucky to have him as a father and someone to look up to. 

If you could have a conversation with anyone, dead or alive, who would that be and why?

I would love to have a conversation with Jean Harlow! She’s a 1930s Hollywood star and the woman I have tattooed on both of my arms! She was the original blonde bombshell and she was known for her great humor!

What sort of things do you like to do when you aren't working? Any hobbies?

I love pottery! I am saving for a kiln and a good pottery wheel! Right now I play with some air dry clay but I would love love love to build up my own personal studio with all the proper gear! 

Are there any projects or special events coming up that you would like to promote, if so please do so?

I’d like to promote all my sites!

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