Interview with Jayson Knight

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Hello Jayson, for those who might not know you please let us know you are and please describe yourself?

I'm originally from a small town in Georgia, I worked in broadcasting when I was younger before getting involved in real estate and then the adult industry back in 2015. I've always had a passion for films and being behind the camera so Fuzzy Peach Productions is exactly what I enjoy doing day to day.

What prompted you to start Fuzzy Peach and what was your vision when starting the company?

I was working in radio broadcasting, sand I remember just kidding around at the time about starting a porn studio. That I would say was one of my first thoughts of getting into the industry. It wasn't until 2015 when I moved to Orlando, I started Fuzzy Peach Productions. I had an interest in the adult industry for some time even watching the AVN awards show on cable and DVD way before entering the industry. I wanted to offer amateur content with well-known models as well as some newcomers. I feel I've come a long way since 2015 and I think the quality of the scenes is getting better and better.

What would you say are some of your inspirations when it comes to your productions?

That would be a few people, Dan Leal, Porno Dan, I've always been a fan of Immoral Productions series like Fuck A Fan. I like Rodney Moore's work. He's got some interesting videos and Brad Armstrong’s' movies like 2040 have been favorites of mine for a long time. I still have my “big box of porn” I've kept throughout the years, filled with DVDs and a couple of VHS tapes, lots of inspiration in that box!

I know this might be asking a lot, but do you have a favorite movie or scene that Fuzzy Peach has shot? If so, which one is it?

That's tough! I've shot a number of scenes I'd call favorites but the one that stands out the most is the scene with Kyler Quinn. She was so awesome to work with and was perfect for my favorite series Sugar Baby Diaries.

Who are some of the people you would like to work with but haven't had a chance to yet?

There are many I hope to film with in the near future. The two models that pop in my head first I've wanted to work with would be Elsa Jean and Sky Pierce.

What advice would you give someone who is thinking about getting into the adult industry?

Hear what people have to say but at the end of the day do you! Create the vision you want and make it happen.

If money wasn't an issue, what would be your dream scene or movie to make?

I wouldn't mind at some point in the future branching out and doing some parody-themed scenes, I think that would be fun. I'd like to see more story and b roll footage leading up each scene…and filming in new different places.

Who would you say are your idols or personal heroes, either within the industry or not?

I would say filmmakers like Spielberg and George Lucas, both of them were very influential on me growing up.

If you could have a conversation with anyone, dead or alive, who would that be and why?

I would say one of the people I would have liked to have had a conversation with would have been Larry Flynt. I'd like to have picked his brain and asked questions and seen what it had been like seeing all the changes in the industry over the years.

What sort of things do you like to do when you aren't working? Any hobbies?

Anything that has to do with filming is a hobby to me! Even if it's not for work I love being behind the camera. I love to travel, just got back recently from Cartagena Colombia and can't wait until my next trip traveling. I love filming and taking pics of all the beautiful locations around. I'd say seeing new places and capturing it on video and pics is a huge passion of mine.

Are there any projects or special events coming up that you would like to promote, if so, please do so?

I have a new series, “Latina Desire” coming out next month. The first scene stars Vivianne DeSilva who was absolutely perfect for the scene. I've had this series in mind for a good long time, now that it's happening and being released soon it's very exciting. I'm looking forward to the locations and sexy Latina's in the upcoming scenes.

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