Interview with Joey and Mav Lee

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Hello Joey and Mav, for those who might not know you please let us know who you are and please describe yourself?

We are an entirely monogamous married couple who make a living together sharing real parts of our sex life.

What prompted you to start your PornHub?

We needed a change in life. Mav was a finance manager at a car dealership- ALWAYS at work, and I (Joey) was a stay at home mom feeling like I was doing everything by myself. It was not working for us. We had very little time together, and when we were together, we spent a lot of the time arguing. I had been suggesting making content instead of working traditional jobs pretty much since we started dating in 2015, then when the first round of Covid lockdowns was set in place, we kinda used it as an excuse- Mav quit his job, and we dove head first into being our own bosses and doing what we wanted to do, when we wanted to do it for a living. (One of the best decisions we have ever made!!)

How often do you update?

We post a new video on PornHub every Saturday night/Sunday morning- all of the other videos we record go on OnlyFans as we make them. I also post on my premium Snapchat and on my new playboy profile every day.

Like most performers you also have an OnlyFans. What kind of context do you upload there and how would you say it is different, if at all, from your scenes?

Mav and I both have our own individual OnlyFans pages. His page is primarily his solo content that can’t be found anywhere else. Mine has my solo stuff, day to day updates, behind the scenes posts, lots of nudes, as well as all the videos that don’t get seen on PornHub. I wouldn’t say our OF stuff is very “different” from our PH- just a lot more of it.

You are a monogamous couple, as you've stated on social media and other profiles, but have you ever thought about collaborating with others and if so who would you want to work with?

No, aside from each other, there’s no one else we would ever want to work with. We went into this career path so that we could focus on each other and our family time. We just aren’t people who are willing to physically share, in any way. We are both kinda crazy to be honest.

What would you say is your favorite video you have shot so far?

We have a hot video where I’m wearing a head to toe, black, lace bodysuit. Apparently that’s at the top of both our lists right now. That one was fun. The lingerie was sexy. He made me squirt all over myself. The video captured how hot that sex was really nicely.

If money wasn't an issue, what would be your dream scene to shoot?

We want to do some sort of a private island video, sex on a beautiful white sand beach. And we also really want to recreate, in a much more explicit way, the Titanic Car sex scene in the same type of car.

What advice would you give someone who is thinking about getting into the adult industry?

Go for it!- if you’re fully ready, and comfortable with yourself being out there. Always stay within your own boundaries. It should be something that you enjoy doing! Anyone who can be consistent and work hard at forever getting better can be successful.

Who would you say are your idols or personal heroes, either within the industry or not?

Joey: Rihanna- honestly, I want to be like her- successful as hell in every direction she goes in.
Mav: Kobe- standing for hard work, perseverance, and he was just an incredible human beyond the basketball world.

If you could have a conversation with anyone, dead or alive, who would that be and why?

Mav- Kobe, because he’s a fucking legend.

Joey- I’d probably choose a family member, but if I’m avoiding the sob story answer, I’d have a conversation with Steve Irwin. He was a lovely person in all the ways- and my house is kind of an ever growing home zoo. It would be a whole childhood dream come true.

What sort of things do you like to do when you aren't working? Any hobbies?

Mav likes to play basketball, sometimes I play around and shoot hoops with him- and we both like any type of adventure. We’ve done a lot of different things together- from skydiving, to hiking, to ice fishing, to traveling for food, to going to water parks, the list goes on in so many directions. We impulsively do whatever we come across. We spend a lot of time having fun and enjoying our life together.

Are there any projects or special events coming up that you would like to promote, if so please do so?

Check me out on PlayBoy! -Joey Lee, New PlayBoy Bunny

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