Singer, songwriter, actress, Kate Nash just revealed that she is funding her music tour by posting pics of her ass on OnlyFans. Promising to show her gluteus, for cash, in thongs, fishnets and lacy briefs, this side hustle comes as new to Nash but is well known and being executed by so many others.
And surely not just from the requisite adult star or two.
Saying that “butts for tour buses is a funny campaign’,” the 37-year-old says that in a climate where music is so undervalued, she wanted to see how much her ass was. She just didn’t realize the bruhaha that would come from her campaign.
But of course, all news, bad or good, is good for publicity.
“Creating jobs with her bum,” Nash songwriter says she is also calling out people who are criticizing this campaign. She feels she is claiming agency for herself and that selling her body is fine. Already showing herself naked on screen and bragging about her wonderful backside, (Nash starred in Netflix's Glow series where she showed lots of herself) Nash sees what she is doing as a logical means to fund her upcoming European tour. Not looking to compromise on fair wages for her entourage, or to use back tracking over a band, she knew a new approach for funding was needed. Taking clear measure of the music business, which Nash claims is on the way out, the lady mentions that last year, 125 independent venues either closed or stopped hosting live music in Europe.
Surely, a hit on any artist's earning potential.
One might remember Lily Allen posting photographs of her feet (under the username @lilyallenFTSE500) to subscribers in June, Canadian pole vaulter Alysha Newman twerking for bucks and her subscription site, and Bella Thorne securing a cool mill in a mere 24 hours (!) after joining and posting pics of herself in lingerie.
It seems Nash is catching the wave of DIY and using her bottom to secure her bottom lime.